Career Options for Skin Care Specialists:
Finding a Niche in Cosmetology Esthetics (2 Hours)
T.C.S.G. Health & Safety Course
Eligible Licensees: Master Cosmetologists, Estheticians,
Instructors Makeup Artists, Hair Designers.
Options for Skin Care Specialists+GA Health & Safety
The health and beauty of skin depends on continuous cleaning, healing and sustenance. Ultimate skin care rests within the arts and sciences of aesthetics: within the skill-set of a knowledgeable skin care specialist. Expert estheticians have the ability to improve, enhance, and beautify skin professionally. This puts a world of opportunity literally at their fingertips.
The Georgia Health and Safety Course covering
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Skin, Diseases, and Disorders
- Decontamination and Infection Control
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